last week I pointed out what you eat is the very first as well as second a lot of crucial element of weight loss. Number three is water.
The evident next concern is – exactly how much water must you drink?
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Eight glasses a day is the standard. But, who the heck drinks out of a glass anymore?!?! I shouldn’t even be enabled to own glass with the method Ben as well as I break them. Sorry, that was off topic.
The Institute of medicine suggests…
Water intake (AI) for guy is approximately 3 liters (about 13 cups) of overall beverages a day. The AI for women is 2.2 liters (about 9 cups) of overall beverages a day. (kilde)
But lots of beverages do count toward your water intake for the day – coffee, tea, Redbull, diet plan DP, sports drinks.
An simple stating to keep in mind is “8 before 8”! drink 8 cups of water before 8pm. however you may requirement a lot more if you…
sweat a great deal or do a great deal of exercise
are expecting or breast feeding
live in a hot climate or high altitude
have an illness
are thirsty, hello
Look in any way this great stuff water performs in your body…(image source)
Drik op! (But not as well much since one time I drank as well much water.)
Today’s Ask a Monican is all about Running
Why are long runs meant to be so slow?
How do I get slower?
Can I run a marathon in August if I am traveling for 3 weeks in July?
PIPA as well as SOPA – I’m not speaking about Pipa Middleton as well as a tasty Mexican meal – oh wait, that’s Sopes (but I can’t share wikipedia information on it anyways…).
Protect IP Act (PIPA) in the Senate as well as the stop on the internet Piracy Act (SOPA) in the House, would censor the web as well as impose harmful guidelines on American business.
Although I am all for battling piracy, these expenses endanger to censor the Web – which is unacceptable as well as dangerous. Congress is voting on this Jan 24. Do some research study if you’re not familiar, however if you are familiar as well as want to indication a petition against it go here.
Email me your Ask a Monican concerns to runeatrepeat at gmail dot com
Question: Do you keep track of exactly how much water you drink?
I don’t, however I normally am drinking all the time considering that I’m a sweaty beast.
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